Most enterprises at some point require printer repair and service. Yet it usually proves important to remove paper jams as quickly as possible. Managers may not want to wait for a repairer to perform this step. Paper crumbled inside a laser jet printer or copier poses a potential fire hazard. Fortunately, completing this useful step does not require extensive training or specialized tools.
Remove Paper Jams Efficiently
Individual printer models sometimes differ in their design elements. Consequently, it remains important to always follow the manufacturer’s directions for removing paper jams. Many companies provide a list of steps to follow to locate and remove printer paper jams in specific makes and models of printers and copiers, for example.
In the rare case in which a printer or copier does not include instructions for paper jam removal, consider following five helpful steps:
- Make sure you turn off and unplug the printer.
- Check for a jam near the paper tray after the printer has cooled down.
- Check rear access doors and duplexer components for indications of a jam.
- Review the entire printing pathway during your search for the paper jam location.
- Always remember to close any open printer doors securely before plugging the printer back into a power source.
Use Several Tips to Prevent Paper Jams
Experts also recommend selecting printing paper carefully to minimize the chance of a paper jam developing. One particularly important step involves using only a recommended paper weight. Paper outside the manufacturer’s recommended weight ranges stands a much higher chance of jamming during printing. The moisture content of paper used in a printer also impacts this issue. Ideally, a moisture content between 4% and 5% helps optimize printing, in most cases.
Another tip helping to reduce the opportunities for jams to occur relates to paper curling. Stored reams of paper typically sag more to one side than to the other. The “crown” of sagging paper faces up. By loading printer paper so that printing will occur along the crown side, the likelihood of paper jamming reportedly decreases.